Barbados Risk & Insurance Management (BRIM) Conference

Now in its third year, the Barbados Risk & Insurance Management (BRIM) Conference is a must-attend event in the Caribbean for risk, insurance, finance, investment, and legal professionals, or professionals aligned with the insurance sector, and especially the Captive industry. BRIM 2023 will focus on Barbados’ expanding captive insurance industry, the potential for further growth, emerging insurance risks, climate change, key economic and regulatory developments and digital advancements that impact on international insurance.

2023-03-24 08:00 2023-03-24 04:35 America/Barbados Barbados Risk & Insurance Management (BRIM) Conference

Now in its third year, the Barbados Risk & Insurance Management (BRIM) Conference is a must-attend event in the Caribbean for risk, insurance, finance, investment, and legal professionals, or professionals aligned with the insurance sector, and especially the Captive industry. BRIM 2023 will focus on Barbados’ expanding captive insurance industry, the potential for further growth, […]

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